This ls The Meaning Of Your Day Of Birth 28 IN NUMEROLOGY
People born in the 28th tend to be very intuitive and organized; their number symbolizes justice, good and bad, positive and negative, and balance.
Also noted for its flexibility to adapt, are confident, patient, reserved, stable, disciplined, logical, good entrepreneurs, responsible, strong, organized, practical and fair.
Also they born on 28 often unloving or loving but almost always give their unconditional friendship. They are quite sociable, kind, safe, imaginative, dedicated and faithful.
Buenos diplomats and counselors.
At times falling into a negative state for the misuse of their qualities, they can carry hidden intentions so their behavior would be hypocritical.
In these circumstances often become problematic, lacking initiative, prone to separation and divorce couple, impatient, stubborn, absorbents, conceited, misfits, indecisive, greedy, insensitive, unstable, violent, unjust and disorderly.