This ls The Meaning Of Your Day Of Birth 11 IN NUMEROLOGY
Persons born in 11th usually very conquering; their number symbolizes balance and justice.
They noted for their courage and inner energy.
They are very brave people, somewhat lonely, spiritual, hardworking, quiet, smart, protective, apparently hard but very sensitive, harmonic, serene, able to achieve great goals in the labor field.
They have a great sense to learn to distinguish between true and false, good and bad, useful and useless, the lightness and darkness.
They know conquer and dominate the passions perfections. They are very stable psychologically. They adapt easily to new developments. Good initiative.
At times they are falling into a negative state for the misuse of their qualities, often become overly passionate, impatient, angry, callous, fans, nervous, unjust, fanciful, extravagant, fearful, cruel and violent. Given to create discord and strife. Spiteful.